When traveling it is always a good idea to notify your credit card company that you will be in a different location. That way they will not decline the card with foreign transactions, making it easy to simply purchase on the card and not worry about carrying cash.
But beware that some credit cards charge a 3% transaction fee for use in foreign countries. Visa and Mastercard both charge this additional fee. American Express does not.
That is in addition to whatever interest rate you are going to pay on your goods overseas. This is just another attempt by the banks to get more money from you on everything that you purchase.
Our recommendation – Use American Express as much as possible when overseas. Not only do they have offices in most countries allowing you to get cash if you need it (and if you have a platinum card you can get more cash than the green card), but also will exchange currency, provide traveler checks, and are helpful should you need concierge service, or other services overseas. What do you get from your bank’s Visa and Mastercard – nothing.
As we travel overseas we always have a Mastercard as back up, but we use American Express, or will use their services for currency. They have the best fraud protection to date, and they do not rake you over like a bank will
AMEX, the best card on the market!!
yes you can but you will first have to register the card with the pripead card issuer websiteand the pripead card must have enough money on it (if you do it online) to pay for the tickets and taxesthis article might be helpful to youUsing Visa or American Express Gift Cards to Shop Onlinequestion.jpgOne of the most asked gift card questions, particularly on Yahoo Answers is whether you can use a Visa or any other bank issued gift card (American Express, Discover, or MasterCard) to shop online. The answer is yes.However, there are additional steps you have to take to prevent your card from being rejected by the merchant. The problem with using Visa (or any other bank issued) gift card online is that there is no verifiable name and address associated with the card. When buying things online, most merchants want your name and billing address to match the name and address you have on file with your card (credit, debit, or bank gift card) issuer.Therefore, before you use your Visa or other bank issued gift card, call the merchant/financial institution that issued the card or go to their website and add your name and address to the card. This will ensure that when you use the card online, the name and address you provide to the merchant for billing will match the name and address on file for the card. Once you have registered your card, you can use it online just like you would use a regular credit card.If your information (name and address) has changed since you registered your Visa gift card, call the card issuer or go online and update your information before you use the card online.