Dr. Terry Simpson, renowned weight loss surgeon, has accepted an internship for the fabled Midlife Road Trip.
Midlife Road Trip is a web series run by Sandi McKenna (@SandiMcKenna) and Rick Griffin (@rickgriffin), a venture that started in 2009 and Dr. Simpson was there to see its birth.
“I remember when the venture started, ” Dr. Simpson recalled, “In those days the ships were wooden and the men were iron.”
One of the Midlife Road Trips first trips was to Dr. Simpson’s wedding, and Dr. Simpson has been a correspondent for Midlife Road trip, offering cooking tips, and healthy living. Dr Simpson’s wife, April (@producergirl) is a good friend of Sandi McKenna.
When asked what inspired Dr. Simpson to take an internship he responded, “I did an internship once, and somehow this one seems like it might be easier than my surgery internship – and the food would be better than the hospital food at Virginia Mason.”
When asked what his duties would be Dr. Simpson responded, “I am in charge of providing coffee in the morning – my mission with all hotels is to make certain they have great coffee so when my crew gets up at the crack of dawn we are ready.” He noted that since all of them are older they typically rise at 4 am.
He also noted that he is in charge of tasting Rick Griffin’s Pinot, “I cannot allow my leader to drink Pinot that might damage the brand reputation of Midlife Road Trip.”
He also noted that in hotels where there would be a kitchen he would be in charge of both the meals, as well as sorting out restaurants for review. Dr. Simpson’s restaurant reviews are noted for their acerbic style, with a palate refined from years of eating food around the world.
When asked about leaving surgery Dr. Simpson responded, “I love surgery, but how could I turn down an opportunity to travel the world and make coffee?”
To keep the age balance in the midlife road trip Dr. Simpson will be bringing his wife, April, to assist with filming, and his son, JJ (@JimmyGSimpson) . This will keep the average age in the 40’s.
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