Every now and then you get that perfect moment- the water stirs, you know the whale is close, then the birds fly and the Humpback whale emerges
For many going to Alaska means a trip of a lifetime. It means seeing animals that you will never see, that you have only read about. Many take the cruise through the inside passage, but if you want to really see marine life, a four hour tour from Kenai Fjords will do it. Operating out of Seward Alaska, Kenai Fjord is owned by Alaska Natives, the people who first came across the ice bridge 10,000 years ago- they know Alaska, and their tours will take you to the places that have been their secrets for years. Visiting Alaska is an industry these days. Some companies, like Princess Lines, will keep you on their ship, bus you to their hotels, and show you Alaska in one nice package. But Kenai Fjord Tours isn’t a package tour- it is Alaska.
While there are a number of things one could say about this tour – and the people who run it- it is best to simply let the photographs do the talking. These photos were but a few we took from our four hour tour of Resurrection Bay. Resurrection Bay, the place where Rockwell Kent came for inspiration- and if you go there, you will be inspired.

The beauty seen from Fox Island was inspiring. Although Rockwell Kent didn’t have ProducerGirl to inspire him
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