The advantages of spring skiing are clear, but in case you didn’t think about them here they are:
(a) Its warm out there.
You don’t have to think about hand warmers, you don’t have to think about how many layers – just grab the gear and go. I saw people ski in shorts, and even less. Bikini skiing is nice- but I just couldn’t find the right color speedo for myself, so I kept with snowpants
(b) Few people on the slopes.
I was here just before President’s day, and it went from a few folks to a lot of people. Then came to Park City for Spring Skiing – the slopes were empty. Ever get up early and be the first one going down a mountain with no one ahead or behind, carving your ski tracks first? In Spring Skiing you don’t have to get up too early to do that.
(c) Instructors are available
I wanted to improve my skiing, so at the last minute asked for some private instruction. Who came up but Rhett, this world-class ski coach, who helped me over a couple days improve my form, and wear out a few calories.
(d) Different Snow Conditions
Don’t like the weather down at the base camp- go up. Raining in Park City, not a problem because one lift ride up it is snowing, two lift rides up and it is amazing snow conditions. Stay up top, ski all day.
(e) You can swim and not freeze
One advantage of spring skiing, when you get done the pool and the hot tub are a lot easier to think about when it isn’t freezing outside.

Easy to think about the pool and the hot tub when it isn’t freezing to get there. Plus it just isn’t crowded
(f) Did I mention sales?
One morning it was a bit windy as a snow front moved in. I wasn’t ready for it. Took a quick run down the slopes, went into the ski shop and bought a new layer. The cost – well, it was 40% off of 50% off, so the expensive fleece shirt cost $30. My wife bought an Oakley jacket – normally a $350 jacket for $60. I discovered I needed some new goggles – half off.
Bring a suitcase, empty- buy what you need there.
(g) Restaurants are easy
You get hungry at noon- so does every other skier. Imagine going into a restaurant at the bottom of the slopes, walking to a table, and the waiter asking what you want. We liked the Baja Restaurant in Park City ski area – owned by the folks who have Bistro 412 – fresh, delicious – and we never had to wait for a table.
Dinner is the same. Park City has some great restaurants, and during the busy season it is hard to get a reservation. Spring Skiing- it was easy. Got into our favorite places without a problem, at the time we wanted – with great service and an appreciate staff — oh and the great food.
(h) Easy Accommodations
Our favorite place to stay is always busy, and hard to get to. We like ski-in ski-out, and Marriott Mountainside provides us that in Park City. Our one bedroom unit was available and ready for us. Normally we need to book a year in advance for this, we didn’t – and we got a great deal.
Can’t Wait Til Next Year
After spring break, next year, we will be coming back. Spring skiing is just too good to pass up. Bring a suitcase- empty of course.
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